Our publications
Published academic papers and editorials that involve the NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Research Collaboration (GM PSRC) will be added here when available.
2024 publications
Involving People With Lived Experience in Electronic Health Record Database Studies Reflections and Learning From the CHOOSE Study. Emma Cockcroft, Vidhi Bassi, Pearl L. H. Mok, Alex Adams, Anabel A. Claro, Alex M. Trafford, Matthew J. Carr, Darren M. Ashcroft, Emma Garavini, Rachel Temple, Roger T. Webb, Shruti Garg, Carolyn A. Chew-Graham (Health Expectations)
Improving medication safety for intensive care patients transitioning to a hospital ward: development of a theory-informed intervention package. Richard S. Bourne, Mark Jeffries, Jennifer K. Jennings, Darren M. Ashcroft & Paul Norman (BMC Health Services Research)
Primary care contact, clinical management, and suicide risk following discharge from inpatient mental health care: a case–control study. Rebecca Musgrove, Matthew J Carr, Nav Kapur, Carolyn A Chew-Graham, Faraz Mughal, Darren M Ashcroft and Roger T Webb (BJGP Open)
Suicide and self-harm in prisons: The challenge of service evaluation and prevention. Alexander Challinor, Joe Rafferty, Noir Thomas, Sarah Pilling, Sahil Bhandari, Saied Ibrahim, Nav Kapur (CBMH)
The Lancet Commission on self-harm. Prof Paul Moran, Prof Amy Chandler, Prof Pat Dudgeon, Olivia J Kirtley, Duleeka Knipe, Prof Jane Pirkis, Mark Sinyor, Rosie Allister, Jeffrey Ansloos, Melanie A Ball, Prof Lai Fong Chan, Leilani Darwin, Kate L Derry, Prof Keith Hawton, Veronica Heney, Sarah Hetrick, Ang Li, Daiane B Machado, Emma McAllister, David McDaid, Ishita Mehrax, Prof Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, Prof Matthew K Nock, Victoria M O’Keefe, Prof Maria A Oquendo, Prof Joseph Osafo, Prof Vikram Patel, Soumitra Pathare, Shanna Peltier, Tessa Roberts, Prof Jo Robinson, Fiona Shand, Fiona Stirling, Jon P A Stoor, Natasha Swingler, Prof Gustavo Turecki, Prof Svetha Venkatesh, Waikaremoana Waitoki, Michael Wright, Prof Paul S F Yip, Michael J Spoelma, Prof Navneet Kapur, Prof Rory C O’Connor, Prof Helen Christensen (The Lancet)
European Nurses’ Burnout before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Patient Safety: A Scoping Review. Goitseone Mogomotsi and Jennifer Creese (MDPI)
The use of locum doctors in the NHS: understanding and improving the quality and safety of care. Thomas Allen, Darren Ashcroft, Jane Ferguson, Christos Grigoroglou, Evan Kontopantelis, Gemma Stringer & Kieran Walshe (NIHR Journals)
Exploring General Practitioners’ Management of Self-Harm in Young People: A Qualitative Study. Faraz Mughal, Benjamin Saunders, Martyn Lewis, Christopher J. Armitage, Lisa Dikomitis, Gillian Lancaster, Ellen Townsend, Carolyn A. Chew-Graham (Health Expectations)
The role of the community pharmacy work system in the enactment of pharmacists’ non-technical skills. Ahmed Ashour, Darren M. Ashcroft and Denham L. Phipps (Ergonomics)
Assessment and management of self-harm and suicide risk in young people. Faraz Mughal, Dennis Ougrin, Lucy Stephens, Lakshmi Vijayakumar, Nav Kapur (BMJ)
‘None of Them Know Me’: A Qualitative Study of the Implications of Locum Doctor Working for Patient Experience. Jane Ferguson, Gemma Stringer, Kieran Walshe, Ailsa Donnelly, Christos Grigoroglou, Thomas Allen, Evangelos Kontopantelis, Darren M. Ashcroft (Health Expectations)
Estimating the economic effect of harm associated with high risk prescribing of oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in England: population based cohort and economic modelling study. Elizabeth M Camacho, Leonie S Penner, ,Amy Taylor, Bruce Guthrie, Anthony J Avery, Darren M Ashcroft, Daniel R Morales, Gabriel Rogers, Antony Chuter, Rachel A Elliott (BMJ)
Protocol for the development and validation of a Polypharmacy Assessment Score. Jung Yin Tsang, Matthew Sperrin, Thomas Blakeman, Rupert A. Payne & Darren M. Ashcroft (BMC – Diagnostic and Prognostic Research)
Indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on diagnosing, monitoring, and prescribing in people with diabetes and strategies for diabetes service recovery internationally. Martin K. Rutter, Matthew J. Carr, Alison K. Wright, Naresh Kanumilli, Nicola Milne, Ewan Jones, Peter Elton, Antonio Ceriello, Anoop Misra, Stefano Del Prato, Emma Barron, Clare Hambling, Naveed Sattar, Kamlesh Khunti, Jonathan Valabhji, Eva L. Feldman, Darren M. Ashcroft (Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice)
Healthcare practitioners’ views of self-harm management practices in older adults in Ireland: A qualitative study. M. Isabela Troya, Caoimhe Lonergan, Eugene Cassidy, Eve Griffin, Sally Ann Lovejoy, Faraz Mughal, Vincent Russell, Ella Arensman (International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry)
Performance of CHA2DS2-VASc and HAS-BLED in predicting stroke and bleeding in atrial fibrillation and cancer. Alyaa M Ajabnoor, Salwa S Zghebi, Rosa Parisi, Darren M Ashcroft, Corinne Faivre-Finn, Mamas A Mamas, Evangelos Kontopantelis (European Heart Journal Open)
Understanding the enablers and barriers to implementing a patient-led escalation system: a qualitative study. Elizabeth Sutton, Mudathir Ibrahim, William Plath, Lesley Booth, Mark Sujan, Peter McCulloch, Nicola Mackintosh (BMJ Quality & Safety)
Role of coproduction in the sustainability of innovations in applied health and social care research: a scoping review. Charlotte Overton, Carolyn Tarrant, Jennifer Creese, Natalie Armstrong (BMJ Open Quality)
Defining, identifying and addressing problematic polypharmacy within multimorbidity in primary care: a scoping review. Jung Yin Tsang, Matthew Sperrin, Thomas Blakeman, Rupert A Payne, Darren Ashcroft (BMJ Open)
Qualitative Insights Into Patients’ and Family Members’ Experiences of In-Hospital Medication Management After a Critical Care Episode. Richard S. Bourne, Mark Jeffries, Eleanor Meakin, Ross Norville, Darren M. Ashcroft (CHEST Critical Care)
Randomised controlled trial of population screening for atrial fibrillation in people aged 70 years and over to reduce stroke: protocol for the SAFER trial. Jonathan Mant, Rakesh N Modi, Andrew Dymond, Natalie Armstrong, Jenni Burt, Peter Calvert, Martin Cowie, Wern Yew Ding, Duncan Edwards, Ben Freedman, Simon J Griffin, Sarah Hoare, F D Richard Hobbs, Rachel Johnson, Stephen Kaptoge, Gregory Y H Lip, , Trudie Lobban, Mark Lown, Jenny Lund, Richard J McManus, Mark T Mills, Stephen Morris, Alison Powell, Riccardo Proietti, Stephen Sutton, Mike Sweeting, Howard Thom, Kate Williams (BMJ Open)
Locum doctor working and quality and safety: a qualitative study in English primary and secondary care. Jane Ferguson, Gemma Stringer, Kieran Walshe, Thomas Allen, Christos Grigoroglou, Darren M Ashcroft, Evangelos Kontopantelis (BMJ)
Understanding the informal aspects of medication processes to maintain patient safety in hospitals: a sociotechnical ethnographic study in paediatric units. Adam B. Sutherland, Denham L. Phipps, Suzanne Grant, Joanne Hughes, Stephen Tomlin & Darren M. Ashcroft (Ergonomics)
Comparing the clinical practice and prescribing safety of locum and permanent doctors: observational study of primary care consultations in England. Christos Grigoroglou, Kieran Walshe, Evangelos Kontopantelis, Jane Ferguson, Gemma Stringer, Darren M. Ashcroft & Thomas Allen (BMC Medicine)
Survival Outcomes in Older Women with Oestrogen-Receptor-Positive Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Primary Endocrine Therapy vs. Surgery by Comorbidity and Frailty Levels. Yubo Wang, Douglas Steinke, Sean P. Gavan, Teng-Chou Chen, Matthew J. Carr, Darren M. Ashcroft, Kwok-Leung Cheung and Li-Chia Chen (Cancers)
Identifying prior signals of bipolar disorder using primary care electronic health records: a nested case–control study. Catharine Morgan, Darren M Ashcroft, Carolyn A Chew-Graham, Matthew Sperrin, Roger T Webb, Anya Francis, Jan Scott and Alison R Yung (BJGP)
Development of prescribing indicators related to opioid-related harm in patients with chronic pain in primary care—a modified e-Delphi study. Neetu Bansal, Stephen M. Campbell, Chiu-Yi Lin, Darren M. Ashcroft, Li-Chia Chen (BMC Medicine)
Medication Safety Gaps in English Pediatric Inpatient Units: An Exploration Using Work Domain Analysis. Adam Sutherland, Denham L. Phipps, Andrea Gill, Stephen Morris, Darren M. Ashcroft (Journal of Patient Safety)
Publications by year
As this collaboration builds on the success of NIHR-funded patient safety research led by The University of Manchester, we have also included highlights from 2013 to 2022.