Applications are now closed
Q&A webinar session (recording)
NIHR Greater Manchester PSRC
Patient Safety Research Development Award
At the NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Research Collaboration (GM PSRC), we are committed to making health and care systems safer by identifying and developing the next generation of patient safety researchers. Our new award scheme is designed to build research capacity and help you take the next step in your career with tailored support and protected time to develop competitive applications for future funding opportunities.
Our Goals:
- Tailored opportunities: Support individuals to pursue their interest in patient safety research and develop their careers
- Diverse representation: Support people under-represented in research roles, at all career stages, to grow as patient safety researchers
- Inclusive Leadership: To build up and retain a diverse and inclusive community of future leaders in patient safety research
About the award
Our Patient Safety Research Development Award scheme aims to support successful applicants in preparing future funding opportunities to the NIHR Career Development Awards/Fellowships, or equivalent research awards. We are seeking talented individuals—clinicians, practitioners, methodologists, and other professionals working in the Northwest and East Midlands regions—who are driven to improve patient safety in their field. We welcome applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds, working across health, care and other professional settings, who have some research experience and are at different stages of their patient safety research journey.
The award will fund your salary for up to 1–2 days per week over a period of up to 12 months, tailored to your development needs and preferences. This funding will enable you to take a placement with the GM PSRC, allowing you to step away from your usual duties and work closely with one of our teams. During this time, you will have the opportunity to prepare a competitive funding application for an NIHR Career Development Award/Fellowship or equivalent research award, whilst also enhancing your skills and knowledge in patient safety research.
Each Development Award will provide up to a maximum of £15,000 to support your salary, training and patient and Public and Community Involvement and Engagement (PCIE) costs.
Q&A webinar session - Recording
Want to learn more about our Patient Safety Research Development Award?
We hosted an online information and Q&A webinar session on Tuesday, 26th November 2024. You can watch the recording here.
Who is eligible to apply?
We welcome applications from clinicians and non-clinicians considered to be under-represented in research roles by the NIHR. These include the following groups:
- Nurses and midwives
- Pharmacy professionals (including pharmacists and pharmacy technicians)
- Allied health professionals (including dietitians, occupational therapists, operating department practitioners, orthoptists, osteopaths, paramedics, physiotherapists, podiatrists, radiographers, and speech and language therapists),
- Health care scientists
- Social work and public health professionals
- Researchers in methodology, and
- Local Authority professionals.
Applications are welcome from these staff groups working at different career stages and across diverse work settings in the Northwest and East Midlands regions. Our Development Award is designed to support professionals to pursue their interest in patient safety research at both pre-doctoral and post-doctoral levels.
Supervision and mentorship
If successful, you will be supported on your journey to be a future patient safety researcher driving improvement in your clinical/non-clinical environment. You will receive expert supervision and mentorship from our research staff where you will agree your placement objectives and identify development/support needs to help you prepare your competitive career development funding application. The NIHR Career Development Awards and Fellowships provide further funding opportunities at pre-doctoral, doctoral, post-doctoral or senior investigator level career stages for you to continue to develop on your research journey.
You will have access to GM PSRC team meetings and events, including Academic Career Development Training Seminars and national PSRC SafetyNet training opportunities.
Many of our team have backgrounds in health and care which may be helpful if you are interested in balancing research and practice in future a clinical academic career.
How to apply
Applications are now closed. A new round will open later in 2025.
Who to contact before submitting your application
Below is a list of the leads and co-leads of the NIHR GM PSRC teams that you can contact and seek advice from to prepare your application:
- Developing safer health and care systems – Professor Caroline Sanders (caroline.sanders@manchester.ac.uk) and/or Professor Tom Blakeman (t.m.blakeman@manchester.ac.uk)
- Enhancing cultures of safety – Professor Natalie Armstrong (natalie.armstrong@leicester.ac.uk) and/or Professor Carolyn Tarrant (carolyn.tarrant@leicester.ac.uk) and/or Professor Nicola Mackintosh (nicola.mackintosh@leicester.ac.uk)
- Improving medication safety – Professor Tony Avery (anthony.avery@nottingham.ac.uk) and/or Professor Darren Ashcroft (darren.ashcroft@manchester.ac.uk)
- Preventing suicide and self-harm – Professor Nav Kapur (nav.kapur@manchester.ac.uk) and/or Professor Roger Webb (roger.webb@manchester.ac.uk)
- Health economics – Professor Rachel Elliott (rachel.a.elliott@manchester.ac.uk)
- Behavioural Science – Professor Chris Armitage (chris.armitage@manchester.ac.uk)
- Industry partnerships – Professor Tjeerd van Staa (tjeerd.vanstaa@manchester.ac.uk)
- Human factors/ergonomics – Dr Denham Phipps (denham.phipps@manchester.ac.uk)
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – Dr Penny Lewis (penny.lewis@manchester.ac.uk)
- Academic Career Development and Medication Safety in Mental Health or Prison Health Care Transitions – Dr Richard Keers (richard.keers@manchester.ac.uk)
- Academic Career Development and Patient Safety in Primary Care Transitions and/or Workforce Impacts on Patient Safety: Professor Maria Panagioti (maria.panagioti@manchester.ac.uk)
Our research themes
Developing safer health and care systems
We look at how services are delivered to identify ways to make them safer.
Find out more
Enhancing cultures of safety
We explore cultures of safety across health and care settings.
Preventing suicide and self-harm
We tackle suicide and self-harm risk in health and social care.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Research Collaboration (GM PSRC) Patient Safety Research Development Award?
This is a funding award that individual professionals working in the Northwest and East Midlands regions can apply for that offers up to £15,000 to cover salary backfill, training and public engagement work as part of a short Award placement with the GM PSRC of up to 1-2 days per week over no more than 12 months. During placement, recipients of the award will be working with experienced patient safety researchers from within the GM PSRC based at the Universities of Manchester, Leicester and Nottingham to prepare a competitive funding application for an NIHR Career Development Award/Fellowship or equivalent research award.
What is the aim of the Patient Safety Research Development Award?
The GM PSRC is committed to making health and care safer by identifying and developing the next generation of patient safety researchers within the Northwest and East Midlands regions. We build capacity in patient safety research in collaboration with health and care partners by aiming to:
- Provide tailored opportunities for people to pursue their interest in patient safety research and develop their careers,
- Support clinicians and non-clinicians considered under-represented in research roles to develop as patient safety researchers across all career stages, and
- To build up and retain a diverse and inclusive community of future patient safety research leaders.
Our new Patient Safety Research Development Award scheme aims to build capacity in patient safety research by supporting applicants in preparing competitive and successful applications for future NIHR Career Development Awards/Fellowships or equivalent research awards. We aim to attract the brightest clinicians, practitioners, methodologists and professionals with a passion to improve patient safety in their area of work to develop their knowledge and skills. We recognise that it can sometimes be difficult for busy professionals working in health and care (or related) services to find protected time to pursue their interest in research and prepare funding applications, and this Award helps to address this challenge.
We welcome applications from across health, care and other professional settings from individuals from diverse backgrounds who may have some experience in research but are at different stages of their patient safety research journey.
What are the NIHR Career Development Award and Fellowships that I will need to prepare an application for during my placement with the GM PSRC?
The primary aim of the GM PSRC Patient Safety Research Development Award is to support successful applicants in preparing competitive and successful applications for future NIHR Career Development Awards/Fellowships or equivalent research awards. These Fellowships and Awards are available for individuals to apply for across different levels of their research career. These include:
- Pre-doctoral Fellowships designed to advance your research career at Masters level. These include opportunities specifically for clinical and practitioner staff, methodologists, and health and care professionals .
- Doctoral Fellowships to complete a PhD, including opportunities across health care, social care and local authorities.
- Post-doctoral level opportunities for health, care and local authority professionals.
- Senior Investigator and Professorship Awards for established senior researchers and future leaders.
Who is eligible to apply for the Patient Safety Research Development Award?
We welcome applications from clinicians and non-clinicians considered to be under-represented in research roles by the NIHR. These include the following groups:
- Nurses and midwives,
- Pharmacy professionals (including pharmacists and pharmacy technicians)
- Allied health professionals (including dietitians, occupational therapists, operating department practitioners, orthoptists, osteopaths, paramedics, physiotherapists, podiatrists, radiographers, and speech and language therapists),
- Health care scientists,
- Social work and public health professionals,
- Researchers in methodology, and
- Local Authority professionals.
Applications are welcome from these staff groups working at different career stages and across diverse work settings in the Northwest and East Midlands regions. Our Development Award is designed to support professionals to pursue their interest in patient safety research at both pre-doctoral, doctoral, post-doctoral and senior investigator levels.
What will the Patient Safety Research Development Award fund?
This Award is designed to recognise that applicants such as yourself may be working in different sectors at varying stages of your career and who already possess some research experience. However, you may be at different stages of your journey into the patient safety specialty – you may be early in your journey undertaking your first patient safety research projects, you may have already led projects and want to make this a bigger part of your role, or you may be working at post-doctoral or senior investigator level looking for opportunities to develop yourself as an independent patient safety research leader. This Award is designed to support you no matter what stage you are at in your patient safety research journey.
If you are successful, the Award will fund your salary up to 1-2 days per week over a time period of up to 12 months, which will be determined according to your development needs and preferences. This will enable you to be released from your usual duties in order to dedicate your time with us on placement at the GM PSRC to prepare your funding application for an NIHR Career Development Award/Fellowship (or equivalent scheme) . Each Development Award will provide up to a maximum of £15,000 to support your salary (as backfill), relevant training activities and public and community involvement and engagement (PCIE)costs.
Whilst preparing a competitive career development award funding application is the main aim of your placement with us, there are types of activities that you might also spend your funded time during placement with the GM PSRC which could include examples below. Carrying out these activities may also support development of your funding application.
- Contributing to ongoing research projects within the GM PSRC research themes, such as evidence review and synthesis, data collection and analysis, and supporting writing of project materials and publications,
- Developing / carrying out your own patient safety research project with support from GM PSRC members and partners,
- Contributing to other research funding applications in partnership with members of the GM PSRC as a collaborator, co-applicant or lead applicant, and
- Building networks and contacts in patient safety research in order to discuss and share ideas (e.g. for your career development funding application).
What will the Patient Safety Research Development Award not fund?
- Tuition fees for academic study, e.g. degrees or postgraduate courses
- Salary costs for more than one person
- Equipment costs
How do I apply for the Patient Safety Research Development Award?
Applications are now closed. A new round will open later in 2025.
Prior to submitting your application, we require you to explore our GM PSRC Research Teams in order to find which align to your interests. You must then reach out via email to the respective team co-leads to explore a potential Award placement with them. This is important because as part of your application we will require you to identify the team and staff lead / co-lead you would like to work with during your placement, to name a specific NIHR Career Development Fellowship/Award (or equivalent) that you intend to prepare and to confirm that you have had initial discussions around placement objectives and activity plans.
Below is a list of the NIHR GM PSRC Teams and named team leads/co-leads that you can contact and seek advice from to prepare your application:
- Developing safer health and care systems – Professor Caroline Sanders (caroline.sanders@manchester.ac.uk) and/or Professor Tom Blakeman (t.m.blakeman@manchester.ac.uk)
- Enhancing cultures of safety – Professor Natalie Armstrong (natalie.armstrong@leicester.ac.uk) and/or Professor Carolyn Tarrant (carolyn.tarrant@leicester.ac.uk) and/or Professor Nicola Mackintosh (nicola.mackintosh@leicester.ac.uk)
- Improving medication safety – Professor Tony Avery (anthony.avery@nottingham.ac.uk) and/or Professor Darren Ashcroft (darren.ashcroft@manchester.ac.uk)
- Preventing suicide and self-harm – Professor Nav Kapur (nav.kapur@manchester.ac.uk) and/or Professor Roger Webb (roger.webb@manchester.ac.uk)
- Health economics – Professor Rachel Elliott (rachel.a.elliott@manchester.ac.uk)
- Behavioural Science – Professor Chris Armitage (chris.armitage@manchester.ac.uk)
- Industry partnerships – Professor Tjeerd van Staa (tjeerd.vanstaa@manchester.ac.uk)
- Human factors/ergonomics – Dr Denham Phipps (denham.phipps@manchester.ac.uk)
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – Dr Penny Lewis (penny.lewis@manchester.ac.uk)
- Academic Career Development and Medication Safety in Mental Health or Prison Health Care Transitions – Dr Richard Keers (richard.keers@manchester.ac.uk)
- Academic Career Development and Patient Safety in Primary Care Transitions and/or Workforce Impacts on Patient Safety: Professor Maria Panagioti (maria.panagioti@manchester.ac.uk)
What will happen once I have submitted my application form?
Once the deadline for applications has passed, reviewers will judge applications for the Award between 7th – 17th January 2025 according to the process outlined below. The deadline for submitting your application for the Award is 2pm on Tuesday, 7th January 2025.
How will applications be assessed?
Following submission, your application will first be appraised using a standardised process in order to determine which candidates will be invited to interview. At interview, candidates will be expected to deliver a short 5 minute presentation and answer questions from the panel.
Applications and interviews will be judged upon how well the following criteria are met:
- The individual is from an under-represented professional group currently working in the Greater Manchester or East Midlands regions. Please refer to the above section for details of these under-represented groups.
- The application is supported by the current line manager(s) in writing, including a commitment to release the applicant from usual duties for the requested time.
- There is a clear rationale for the application including interest in pursuing a patient safety research career alongside current professional role.
- There is a clear description of plans to prepare a named NIHR Career Development Award/Fellowship or equivalent research award application during the placement.
- There is a clear description of current knowledge and experience in patient safety research and how the Development Award will enhance this.
- The application includes selection of GMPSRC research team/staff members and there is alignment of candidate research interests with at least one team.
- There are learning objectives/goals stated that have been discussed with the relevant GM PSRC research team lead/co-lead.
- There is clarity concerning the length of placement required and time per week allocated to it, which is supported by the applicant’s line manager.
- There are plans to undertake further research training and public and community involvement and engagement (PCIE) work, with ideas articulated of what this may involve.
When will I know the outcome of my application?
Applicants will be notified whether they have been invited to interview during week commencing 20th January 2025. Interviews will then be held online via Microsoft Teams on 3rd February 2025. Feedback will be provided to unsuccessful applicants.
Successful applicants will be sent an offer letter with the terms and conditions of the Award. Awards will be expected to start no later than 31st March 2025 following successful ‘sign off’ from applicants, their line manager(s) and the GM PSRC.
What happens if I am successful?
If you are successful with your application, you will work in partnership with your team supervisor(s) and other relevant PSRC staff/students during your placement. You will work with your supervisor(s) to agree your objectives and activities for your placement, and they will provide you with regular supervision and support. During your placement you will be expected to prepare an NIHR Career Development Fellowship/Award (or equivalent research award) application, which may be at pre-doctoral, doctoral, post-doctoral or senior investigator level career stages (as described above) depending on your development needs and preferences. You will have access to GM PSRC team meetings and events, including Academic Career Development Training Seminars and national PSRC SafetyNet training opportunities. Many of our team also have backgrounds in health and care which may be helpful if you are interested in balancing research and practice in future a clinical academic career, and require mentoring or further support.
What happens at the end of my Patient Safety Research Development Award?
You will continue to be supported after you have submitted an application to the NIHR for a Career Development Award/Fellowship. You will be invited to provide your feedback on your Award experience before it concludes using a survey and/or short informal interview. It is important for us to evaluate the Patient Safety Research Development Award scheme to find out if it is meeting the objectives and expectations of the recipients and supervisors, and whether it is facilitating the development of NIHR Career Development Award applications.
At the end of the placement, you will also be asked to deliver a short presentation outlining your placement experience at an upcoming GM PSRC event.
About the NIHR GM PSRC
Click here to find out more about the NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Research Collaboration
Our research
Read about our four closely linked research themes that work together to improve the safety of care for patients.
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